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Arts & Entertainment

Celebrity Bios - 358 audio books
Celebrity Readers - 76
Entertainment - 109
Interviews & Panels - 316
Music - 503
TV & Film - 215
Visual Arts - 341

Total: 1918 Arts & Entertainment audio books


AudibleComedy - 7 audio books
Exclusives - 87
Harlequin - 91
Random House Audible - 40

Total: 225 AudibleOriginals audio books

Bios & Memoirs

Artists, Writers, & Musicians - 1337 audio books
Business Leaders - 250
Celebrities - 1074
Criminals - 169
Personal Memoirs - 4800
Political Figures - 943
Religious Figures - 324
Science & Technology Leaders - 214
Scientists - 7

Total: 9118 Bios & Memoirs audio books


Career Skills - 2523 audio books
Commerce & Economy - 402
Leadership - 1193
Management - 1327
Marketing - 852
News & Opinions - 14
Personal Finance & Investing - 778
Sales - 435

Total: 7524 Business audio books


American Literature - 1413 audio books
British Literature - 2045
Drama - 175
European Literature - 1955
Fiction - 36
Greek & Roman - 135
Kids & Young Adults - 305
Nonfiction - 148
Poetry - 519
Shakespeare - 320
World Literature - 1762

Total: 8813 Classics audio books


AudibleComedy - 1 audio books
Classic American - 76
Classic British - 235
Memoirs - 272
Satire - 411
Stand-Up & Jokes - 1087
Storytelling - 197

Total: 2279 Comedy audio books

Drama & Poetry

Classic Drama - 302 audio books
Modern Drama - 685
Poetry - 1143

Total: 2130 Drama & Poetry audio books


Higher Education - 120 audio books
K 12 - 97
Parents - 40
Professional - 97
Students - 213
Study Skills - 58

Total: 625 Education audio books

Erotica & Sexuality

Advice - 335 audio books
Fiction - 5621
Susie Bright - 26

Total: 5982 Erotica & Sexuality audio books


African-American - 569 audio books
Chick Lit - 820
Classic American Literature - 14
Classic British Literature - 17
Classic European Literature - 4
Contemporary - 7967
Erotica - 4
For Children - 51
Gay & Lesbian - 744
Historical - 3462
Holiday - 12
Horror - 2072
Humor - 1324
Literary - 3495
Modern European Literature - 2
Religious & Inspirational - 1296
Romance - 46
Science Fiction & Fantasy - 50
Short Stories & Anthologies - 3908
Spanish - 5
Westerns - 1414

Total: 27276 Fiction audio books

Great Speakers

Entertainers - 9 audio books
Oratorical Skills - 23
Politics & Policy - 20
Spirituality - 22
Storytellers - 53

Total: 127 Great Speakers audio books

Health & Fitness

Aging Well - 381 audio books
Diets & Nutrition - 1944
Workouts - 390

Total: 2715 Health & Fitness audio books

Higher Education Faculty

Campus Conversations - 34 audio books
Faculty - 207
Students - 261

Total: 502 Higher Education Faculty audio books


20th Century - 834 audio books
21st Century - 186
American - 1907
Ancient - 284
European - 699
Extraordinary Lives - 59
Kids & Young Adults - 7
Memoirs - 49
Military - 993
Notorious Characters - 12
Political - 294
World - 1533

Total: 6857 History audio books

K-12 Educators

Administrators - 32 audio books
Grade 3-5 - 241
Grade 6-8 - 609
Grade 9-12 - 303
Grade K-2 - 273

Total: 1458 K-12 Educators audio books

Kids & Young Adults

Ages 7 & Under - 198 audio books
Ages 8-12 - 516
Animal Stories - 390
Biographies & History - 233
Classics - 454
Fables, Fairy Tales, & Myths - 180
Fiction - 2083
Mysteries - 164
Nonfiction - 235
Parenting - 48
Sci-Fi & Fantasy - 358
Study Guides - 52

Total: 4911 Kids & Young Adults audio books


Ages 0-4 - 1626 audio books
Ages 5-7 - 7088
Ages 8-10 - 7982
Animal Stories - 2254
Biographies & History - 462
Classics - 1315
Fables, Fairy Tales & Myths - 111
Fables, Fairy Tales, & Myths - 1443
Fiction - 7287
Mysteries - 728
Nonfiction - 948
Sci-Fi & Fantasy - 1146
Study Guides - 75
With Synchronized Images - 138

Total: 32603 Kids audio books

Language Instruction

Chinese - 1 audio books
English - 1259
French - 370
German - 224
Italian - 330
Japanese - 169
Kids & Young Adults - 57
Other Languages - 2802
Spanish - 455

Total: 5667 Language Instruction audio books

Live Events

Business - 61 audio books
Comedy - 21
Culture - 171
Personal Growth - 119
Politics - 24
Storytellers - 66

Total: 462 Live Events audio books

Mysteries & Thrillers

Classic Detective - 1751 audio books
Espionage - 979
Historical - 1017
Legal Thrillers - 485
Medical Thrillers - 261
Modern Detective - 6540
Modern Detectives - 1
Noir - 512
Police Procedurals - 648
Radio Dramas - 227
Suspense - 10233
True Crime - 257

Total: 22911 Mysteries & Thrillers audio books

Newspapers & Magazines

Business - 124 audio books
News & Culture - 388
Science & Technology - 23

Total: 535 Newspapers & Magazines audio books


Anthropology - 9 audio books
Economics - 558
Gender Issues - 247
Philosophy - 1063
Politics - 1603
Social Sciences - 1267
True Crime - 593
Unexplained Phenomena - 465
World Affairs - 1033

Total: 6838 Nonfiction audio books

Nostalgia Radio

Comedy & Variety - 87 audio books
Crime & Mystery - 129
Movies - 3
Sci-Fi & Fantasy - 27
Westerns - 10

Total: 256 Nostalgia Radio audio books

Parents & Family

College Students - 256 audio books
Grade 3-5 Students - 295
Grade 6-8 Students - 669
Grade 9-12 Students - 352
Grade K-2 Students - 188

Total: 1760 Parents & Family audio books


Business - 21 audio books
Comedy - 8
Interviews - 24
News & Culture - 11
Public Radio - 12
Science & Technology - 1

Total: 77 Podcasts audio books


Language Instruction - 131 audio books
Lectures - 10
Management & Leadership - 295
Technical - 48

Total: 484 Professionals audio books

Radio & TV

British - 623 audio books
Comedy - 161
Culture - 23
Documentaries - 301
Entertainment - 1259
Great Interviews - 174
How-To - 13
News, Business, & Culture - 157
Science & Technology - 3

Total: 2714 Radio & TV audio books

Religion & Spirituality

Bibles - 577 audio books
Buddhism - 16
Buddhism & Eastern Religions - 588
Christianity - 4807
Islam - 95
Judaism - 123
Life Dilemmas - 30
Prayer & Meditation - 41
Religious Thought - 2290
Sermons & Ministries - 295
Spiritual History - 11
Teaching Stories - 30
Visionaries - 24

Total: 8927 Religion & Spirituality audio books


Chick Lit - 332 audio books
Contemporary - 4766
Erotica - 461
Fantasy - 1905
Historical - 1924
Relationships - 10
Religious & Inspirational - 513
Romantic Comedy - 2
Suspense - 1423

Total: 11336 Romance audio books

Science & Technology

Astronomy - 87 audio books
Biology - 375
Environment - 359
General - 9
Magazine & Radio - 26
Medicine - 375
News & Interviews - 3
Physics - 225
Psychology & The Mind - 784
Scientists - 7
Technology - 737

Total: 2987 Science & Technology audio books

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Alternate Realities - 5 audio books
Classics - 8
Doctor Who - 253
Dramatizations - 305
Epic Fantasy - 3
Fantasy - 19
Fantasy: Contemporary - 1284
Fantasy: Epic - 1284
Fantasy: Paranormal - 2585
Kids & Young Adults - 15
Sci-Fi: Classic - 1410
Sci-Fi: Contemporary - 3079
Science Fiction - 15
Short Stories - 4
Short Stories & Anthologies - 727
Star Trek - 89
Star Wars - 121

Total: 11206 Science Fiction & Fantasy audio books

Self Development

Communication Skills - 946 audio books
How-To - 5576
Hypnosis - 1521
Meditation - 1223
Motivation & Inspiration - 6070
Parenting - 875
Personal Finance - 726
Relationships - 1333
Sexuality - 161

Total: 18431 Self Development audio books


Baseball - 237 audio books
Basketball - 122
Football - 176
Golf - 118
Other - 672

Total: 1325 Sports audio books


College Students - 471 audio books
Downtime - 200
High School - 336
Study Guides & Skill Builders - 180
Test Preparation - 53

Total: 1240 Students audio books


Industry Leaders - 17 audio books
Interactive Marketing - 14
Issues & Policies - 8
Managing Technology - 21
News & Perspectives - 14

Total: 74 Technology audio books


Ages 11-13 - 4031 audio books
Ages 13 & Up - 4241
Bios & Memoirs - 165
Family & Relationships - 628
Fiction & Literature - 2631
Health & Sports - 84
History & Historical Fiction - 897
Mysteries & Thrillers - 1022
Myths & Legends - 104
Religion & Spirituality - 190
Romance & Friendship - 1305
Sci-Fi & Fantasy - 3150
Series - 814
Social Issues - 411
Study Guides & Language Learning - 273

Total: 19946 Teens audio books

Travel & Adventure

Adventure & Exploration - 865 audio books
Essays & Travelogues - 468
Guided Tours - 332

Total: 1665 Travel & Adventure audio books

Young Adults

Fiction - 192 audio books
Nonfiction - 21
Parenting - 44
Sci Fi & Fantasy - 56
Study Guides - 27

Total: 340 Young Adults audio books

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