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Silvia Cecchini Audio Book Narrator

Alice attraverso lo specchio [Alice Through the Looking Glass] (Unabridged)

Alice attraverso lo specchio [Alice Through the Looking Glass] (Unabridged) audio book by Lewis Carroll

Rating: 0

Alice nel paese delle meraviglie [Alice's Adventures in Wonderland] (Unabridged)

Alice nel paese delle meraviglie [Alice's Adventures in Wonderland] (Unabridged) audio book by Lewis Carroll

Rating: 0

Anime allo specchio [Soul of the Mirror] (Unabridged)

Anime allo specchio [Soul of the Mirror] (Unabridged) audio book by Amalia Guglielminetti

Rating: 0

Appunti di romanzo [Novel Notes] (Unabridged)

Appunti di romanzo [Novel Notes] (Unabridged) audio book by Jerome Klapka Jerome

Rating: 0

Bhagavadgita: Il canto divino [Bhagavad Gita: The Divine Song] (Unabridged)

Bhagavadgita: Il canto divino [Bhagavad Gita: The Divine Song] (Unabridged) audio book by Oreste Nazari (traduzione - translator)

Rating: 0

Candidati alla vita [Candidates for Life]: Manuale di navigazione nel mare dei concorsi

Candidati alla vita [Candidates for Life]: Manuale di navigazione nel mare dei concorsi audio book by Enrica Maschio

Rating: 0

Canne al vento [Reeds in the Wind]

Canne al vento [Reeds in the Wind] audio book by Grazia Deledda

Rating: 0

Cantico di Natale [A Christmas Carol] (Unabridged)

Cantico di Natale [A Christmas Carol] (Unabridged) audio book by Charles Dickens

Rating: 0

Circe: Il romanzo di Maria Tarnowska: [Circe: The Novel About Maria Tarnowska] (Unabridged)

Circe: Il romanzo di Maria Tarnowska: [Circe: The Novel About Maria Tarnowska] (Unabridged) audio book by Annie Vivanti

Rating: 0

Cuore [Heart] (Unabridged)

Cuore [Heart] (Unabridged) audio book by Edmondo De Amicis

Rating: 0

Cuore di tenebra [Heart of Darkness]

Cuore di tenebra [Heart of Darkness] audio book by Joseph Conrad

Rating: 0

Dante's Stroll: An Audioguide to Florence, Dante's City

Dante's Stroll: An Audioguide to Florence, Dante's City audio book by Silvia Cecchini, Ezio Sposato

Rating: 0

Davide Copperfield

Davide Copperfield audio book by Charles Dickens

Rating: 0

Dracula: L'uomo della notte

Dracula: L'uomo della notte audio book by Brahm Stoker

Rating: 5

Eibhlin non lo sa.... [Eibhlin Doesn't Know....]

Eibhlin non lo sa.... [Eibhlin Doesn't Know....] audio book by Laura Costantini, Loredana Falcone

Rating: 0

Eugenia Grandet (Unabridged)

Eugenia Grandet (Unabridged) audio book by Honoré de Balzac

Rating: 0

Firenze nel cuore [Florence in My Heart]: Audioguida

Firenze nel cuore [Florence in My Heart]: Audioguida audio book by Silvia Cecchini, Ivan Genesio, Ezio Sposato

Rating: 0

Florence in My Heart: Audioguide for Tourists and Travellers

Florence in My Heart: Audioguide for Tourists and Travellers audio book by Silvia Cecchini, Ivan Genesio, Ezio Sposato

Rating: 0

Fuga nelle tenebre [Flight into Darkness] (Unabridged)

Fuga nelle tenebre [Flight into Darkness] (Unabridged) audio book by Arthur Schnitzler

Rating: 0

Gente di Dublino [Dubliners] (Unabridged)

Gente di Dublino [Dubliners] (Unabridged) audio book by James Joyce

Rating: 0

Giardinaggio dell'anima [Soul Gardening]: 4 meditazioni guidate

Giardinaggio dell'anima [Soul Gardening]: 4 meditazioni guidate audio book by Silvia Cecchini

Rating: 0

I Malavoglia

I Malavoglia audio book by Giovanni Verga

Rating: 0

I delitti della Royal Society [Crimes of the Royal Society]: Il mistero del demone rosso

I delitti della Royal Society [Crimes of the Royal Society]: Il mistero del demone rosso audio book by Leon Dacoste

Rating: 0

I dolori del giovane Werther [The Sorrows of Young Werther] (Unabridged)

I dolori del giovane Werther [The Sorrows of Young Werther] (Unabridged) audio book by Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Rating: 0

I figli del Capitano Grant [The Children of Captain Grant] (Unabridged)

I figli del Capitano Grant [The Children of Captain Grant] (Unabridged) audio book by Jules Verne

Rating: 0

I miei passi [My Footsteps]: 900 km a piedi lungo la Via Francigena (Unabridged)

I miei passi [My Footsteps]: 900 km a piedi lungo la Via Francigena (Unabridged) audio book by Maria Emanuela Leva

Rating: 0

I misteri della giungla nera [The Mysteries of the Black Jungle] (Unabridged)

I misteri della giungla nera [The Mysteries of the Black Jungle] (Unabridged) audio book by Emilio Salgari

Rating: 0

Il Diavolo Nella Torre [The Devil in the Tower] (Unabridged)

Il Diavolo Nella Torre [The Devil in the Tower] (Unabridged) audio book by Edgar Allan Poe

Rating: 0

Il Fantasma di Canterville [The Canterville Ghost] (Unabridged)

Il Fantasma di Canterville [The Canterville Ghost] (Unabridged) audio book by Oscar Wilde

Rating: 0

Il Gatto Nero [The Black Cat] (Unabridged)

Il Gatto Nero [The Black Cat] (Unabridged) audio book by Edgar Allan Poe

Rating: 0

Il Vagabondo delle stelle [The Star Rover] (Unabridged)

Il Vagabondo delle stelle [The Star Rover] (Unabridged) audio book by Jack London

Rating: 0

Il Vento tra i Salici [The Wind in the Willows] (Unabridged)

Il Vento tra i Salici [The Wind in the Willows] (Unabridged) audio book by Kenneth Grahame

Rating: 0

Il bramino dell'Assam [The Brahmin Assam] (Unabridged)

Il bramino dell'Assam [The Brahmin Assam] (Unabridged) audio book by Emilio Salgari

Rating: 0

Il caso Vaughan [The Vaughan Case]: I delitti della Royal Society (Unabridged)

Il caso Vaughan [The Vaughan Case]: I delitti della Royal Society (Unabridged) audio book by Leon Dacoste

Rating: 0

Il fantasma di Canterville [The Canterville Ghost]

Il fantasma di Canterville [The Canterville Ghost] audio book by Oscar Wilde

Rating: 0

Il fu Mattia Pascal [The Late Mattia Pascal] (Unabridged)

Il fu Mattia Pascal [The Late Mattia Pascal] (Unabridged) audio book by Luigi Pirandello

Rating: 0

Il giardino segreto [The Secret Garden] (Unabridged)

Il giardino segreto [The Secret Garden] (Unabridged) audio book by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Rating: 0

Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca [The Newspaper of Gian Burrasca] (Unabridged)

Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca [The Newspaper of Gian Burrasca] (Unabridged) audio book by Luigi Bertelli

Rating: 0

Il giro del mondo in ottanta giorni [Around the World in 80 Days] (Unabridged)

Il giro del mondo in ottanta giorni [Around the World in 80 Days] (Unabridged) audio book by Jules Verne

Rating: 0

Il golem [The Golem] (Unabridged)

Il golem [The Golem] (Unabridged) audio book by Gustav Meyrink

Rating: 0

Il libro della mia vita [The Book of My Life] (Unabridged)

Il libro della mia vita [The Book of My Life] (Unabridged) audio book by Girolamo Cardano, Serafino Balduzzi

Rating: 0

Il meraviglioso mago di Oz [The Wonderful Wizard of Oz] (Unabridged)

Il meraviglioso mago di Oz [The Wonderful Wizard of Oz] (Unabridged) audio book by L. Frank Baum

Rating: 0

Il mondo perduto [The Lost World] (Unabridged)

Il mondo perduto [The Lost World] (Unabridged) audio book by Arthur Conan Doyle

Rating: 0

Il pozzo e il pendolo [The Pit and the Pendulum]: e altri racconti (Unabridged)

Il pozzo e il pendolo [The Pit and the Pendulum]: e altri racconti (Unabridged) audio book by Edgar Allan Poe

Rating: 0

Il raggio verde [The Green Ray]

Il raggio verde [The Green Ray] audio book by Jules Verne

Rating: 0

Il ritratto di Dorian Grey [The Picture of Dorian Grey] (Unabridged)

Il ritratto di Dorian Grey [The Picture of Dorian Grey] (Unabridged) audio book by Oscar Wilde

Rating: 0

Il taccuino di Sherlock Holmes [The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes] (Unabridged)

Il taccuino di Sherlock Holmes [The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes] (Unabridged) audio book by Arthur Conan Doyle

Rating: 0

Il volto nell'ombra [The Face in the Night] (Unabridged)

Il volto nell'ombra [The Face in the Night] (Unabridged) audio book by Edgar Wallace

Rating: 0

Il volto verde [The Green Face] (Unabridged)

Il volto verde [The Green Face] (Unabridged) audio book by Gustav Meyrink

Rating: 0

Iliade (Unabridged)

Iliade (Unabridged) audio book by Omero

Rating: 0

L'abbandono alla Divina Provvidenza [Abandonment to Divine Providence] (Unabridged)

L'abbandono alla Divina Provvidenza [Abandonment to Divine Providence] (Unabridged) audio book by Jean Pierre Caussade

Rating: 0

L'affare Kurilov [The Deal Kurilov] (Unabridged)

L'affare Kurilov [The Deal Kurilov] (Unabridged) audio book by Irene Nemirovsky

Rating: 0

L'assassinio di Via Belpoggio [The Assassination on Belpoggio Street] (Unabridged)

L'assassinio di Via Belpoggio [The Assassination on Belpoggio Street] (Unabridged) audio book by Italo Svevo

Rating: 0

L'innocenza di Padre Brown [The Innocence of Father Brown] (Unabridged)

L'innocenza di Padre Brown [The Innocence of Father Brown] (Unabridged) audio book by G. K. Chesterton

Rating: 0

L'isola del tesoro [Treasure Island] (Unabridged)

L'isola del tesoro [Treasure Island] (Unabridged) audio book by Robert Louis Stevenson

Rating: 0

L'ultimo saluto di Sherlock Holmes [His Last Bow] (Unabridged)

L'ultimo saluto di Sherlock Holmes [His Last Bow] (Unabridged) audio book by Arthur Conan Doyle

Rating: 0

La Primula Rossa [The Scarlet Pimpernel] (Unabridged)

La Primula Rossa [The Scarlet Pimpernel] (Unabridged) audio book by Emmuska Orczy

Rating: 0

La caduta di un impero [The Fall of an Empire] (Unabridged)

La caduta di un impero [The Fall of an Empire] (Unabridged) audio book by Emilio Salgari

Rating: 0

La casa e il mondo [The Home and the World] (Unabridged)

La casa e il mondo [The Home and the World] (Unabridged) audio book by Rabindranath Tagore

Rating: 0

La leggenda di Gosta Berling [The Legend of Gosta Berling] (Unabridged)

La leggenda di Gosta Berling [The Legend of Gosta Berling] (Unabridged) audio book by Selma Lagerlof

Rating: 0

La lettera scarlatta [The Scarlet Letter]

La lettera scarlatta [The Scarlet Letter] audio book by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Rating: 0

La passione di Gesù [The Passion of Jesus]: Dalle contemplazioni di Caterina Emmerick

La passione di Gesù [The Passion of Jesus]: Dalle contemplazioni di Caterina Emmerick audio book by Anna Caterina Emmerick

Rating: 0

La rivincita di Yanez [Yanez' Revenge] (Unabridged)

La rivincita di Yanez [Yanez' Revenge] (Unabridged) audio book by Emilio Salgari

Rating: 0

La sonata a Kreutzer [The Kreutzer Sonata]

La sonata a Kreutzer [The Kreutzer Sonata] audio book by Leone Tolstoj

Rating: 0

La torre dei popoli [The Tower of Peoples] (Unabridged)

La torre dei popoli [The Tower of Peoples] (Unabridged) audio book by Han Ryner

Rating: 0

Le Metamorfosi [The Metamorphoses] (Unabridged)

Le Metamorfosi [The Metamorphoses] (Unabridged) audio book by Ovid, Serafino Balduzzi

Rating: 0

Le Tigri di Mompracem (Unabridged)

Le Tigri di Mompracem (Unabridged) audio book by Emilio Salgari

Rating: 0

Le avventure di Huckleberry Finn [Adventures of Huckleberry Finn] (Unabridged)

Le avventure di Huckleberry Finn [Adventures of Huckleberry Finn] (Unabridged) audio book by Mark Twain

Rating: 0

Le avventure di Tom Sawyer [The Adventures of Tom Sawyer] (Unabridged)

Le avventure di Tom Sawyer [The Adventures of Tom Sawyer] (Unabridged) audio book by Mark Twain

Rating: 0

Le carte della scelta [Choice Cards]: Fai da te il tuo mazzo di arcani

Le carte della scelta [Choice Cards]: Fai da te il tuo mazzo di arcani audio book by Silvia Cecchini

Rating: 0

Le veglie di Neri

Le veglie di Neri audio book by Renato Fucini

Rating: 0

Meditazioni anatomiche [Anatomical Meditations]: Viaggio dentro il corpo

Meditazioni anatomiche [Anatomical Meditations]: Viaggio dentro il corpo audio book by Silvia Cecchini

Rating: 0


Oblomov audio book by Ivan Gonciarov

Rating: 0

Operette morali (Unabridged)

Operette morali (Unabridged) audio book by Giacomo Leopardi

Rating: 0

Orgoglio e pregiudizio [Pride and Prejudice]

Orgoglio e pregiudizio [Pride and Prejudice] audio book by Jane Austen

Rating: 0

Padri e figli [Fathers and Sons] (Unabridged)

Padri e figli [Fathers and Sons] (Unabridged) audio book by Ivan Sergeevic Turgenev

Rating: 0

Papà Gambalunga [Daddy Long Legs]

Papà Gambalunga [Daddy Long Legs] audio book by Jean Webster

Rating: 0

Passeggiata Dantesca [Dante's Walk]: Un'audioguida sui passi di Dante (Unabridged)

Passeggiata Dantesca [Dante's Walk]: Un'audioguida sui passi di Dante (Unabridged) audio book by Silvia Cecchini, Ezio Sposato, Dante Alighieri

Rating: 0

Peter Pan e Wendy [Peter Pan and Wendy] (Unabridged)

Peter Pan e Wendy [Peter Pan and Wendy] (Unabridged) audio book by James Matthew Barrie

Rating: 0

Peter Pan nei giardini di Kensington [Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens]

Peter Pan nei giardini di Kensington [Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens] audio book by James Matthew Barrie

Rating: 0

Piccole donne [Little Women] (Unabridged)

Piccole donne [Little Women] (Unabridged) audio book by Luisa May Alcott

Rating: 0

Piccole donne crescono [Little Women]

Piccole donne crescono [Little Women] audio book by Luisa May Alcott

Rating: 0

Pinocchio: Le avventure di un burattino

Pinocchio: Le avventure di un burattino audio book by Carlo Collodi

Rating: 0

Poesie: Antologia di 24 canti [Poetry: A 24-Poem Anthology] (Unabridged)

Poesie: Antologia di 24 canti [Poetry: A 24-Poem Anthology] (Unabridged) audio book by Giacomo Leopardi

Rating: 0

Racconti da Shakespeare [Stories from Shakespeare] (Unabridged)

Racconti da Shakespeare [Stories from Shakespeare] (Unabridged) audio book by Edith Nesbit

Rating: 0

Ricordi della casa dei morti [Memoirs from the House of the Dead] (Unabridged)

Ricordi della casa dei morti [Memoirs from the House of the Dead] (Unabridged) audio book by Fedor Dostoevskij

Rating: 0

Sherlock Holmes - Il Carbonchio Azzurro [The Blue Carbuncle] (Unabridged)

Sherlock Holmes - Il Carbonchio Azzurro [The Blue Carbuncle] (Unabridged) audio book by Arthur Conan Doyle

Rating: 0

Sherlock Holmes - La Lega dei Capelli Rossi [The Adventure of the Three Gables] (Unabridged)

Sherlock Holmes - La Lega dei Capelli Rossi [The Adventure of the Three Gables] (Unabridged) audio book by Arthur Conan Doyle

Rating: 0

Sherlock Holmes - La Testa Rossa [The Red Headed League] (Unabridged)

Sherlock Holmes - La Testa Rossa [The Red Headed League] (Unabridged) audio book by Arthur Conan Doyle

Rating: 0

Sherlock Holmes e il mastino dei Baskerville [The Hound of the Baskervilles]

Sherlock Holmes e il mastino dei Baskerville [The Hound of the Baskervilles] audio book by Arthur Conan Doyle

Rating: 0

Sherlock Holmes e il segno dei quattro [Sherlock Holmes and the Sign of Four]

Sherlock Holmes e il segno dei quattro [Sherlock Holmes and the Sign of Four] audio book by Arthur Conan Doyle

Rating: 0

Sherlock Holmes e la valle della paura [Sherlock Holmes and the Valley of Fear] (Unabridged)

Sherlock Holmes e la valle della paura [Sherlock Holmes and the Valley of Fear] (Unabridged) audio book by Arthur Conan Doyle

Rating: 0

Sherlock Holmes: 'L'uomo dal labbro spaccato', 'I cinque semi d'arancio', 'Uno scandalo in Boemia'

Sherlock Holmes: 'L'uomo dal labbro spaccato', 'I cinque semi d'arancio', 'Uno scandalo in Boemia' audio book by Arthur Conan Doyle

Rating: 0

Sherlock Holmes: Il Mistero di Valle Boscombe [The Boscombe Valley Mystery] (Unabridged)

Sherlock Holmes: Il Mistero di Valle Boscombe [The Boscombe Valley Mystery] (Unabridged) audio book by Arthur Conan Doyle

Rating: 0

Sherlock Holmes: Il Pollice dell'Ingegnere [The Engineer's Thumb] (Unabridged)

Sherlock Holmes: Il Pollice dell'Ingegnere [The Engineer's Thumb] (Unabridged) audio book by Arthur Conan Doyle

Rating: 0

Sherlock Holmes: La Treccia Rivelatrice (Unabridged)

Sherlock Holmes: La Treccia Rivelatrice (Unabridged) audio book by Arthur Conan Doyle

Rating: 0

Soul Gardening: 4 Guided Meditations

Soul Gardening: 4 Guided Meditations audio book by Silvia Cecchini

Rating: 5

Storia delle novelline popolari (Unabridged)

Storia delle novelline popolari (Unabridged) audio book by Angelo De Gubernatis

Rating: 0

Storie da emisferi differenti [Stories from Different Hemispheres]: Un libro dal futuro

Storie da emisferi differenti [Stories from Different Hemispheres]: Un libro dal futuro audio book by Gli Ascoltalibri

Rating: 0

Tess dei D'Urbervilles [Tess of the d'Urbervilles] (Unabridged)

Tess dei D'Urbervilles [Tess of the d'Urbervilles] (Unabridged) audio book by Thomas Hardy

Rating: 0

The Adventures of Pinocchio

The Adventures of Pinocchio audio book by Carlo Collodi, Carol Dalla Chiesa (translator)

Rating: 0

The Adventures of Pinocchio

The Adventures of Pinocchio audio book by Carlo Collodi, Carol Dalla Chiesa (translator)

Rating: 0

Tre uomini in barca [Three Men in a Boat]: (per non parlar del cane)

Tre uomini in barca [Three Men in a Boat]: (per non parlar del cane) audio book by Jerome Klapka Jerome

Rating: 0

Un balcone sui Balcani [A Balcony on the Balkans]: Viaggio in Montenegro

Un balcone sui Balcani [A Balcony on the Balkans]: Viaggio in Montenegro audio book by Carlo Tellai

Rating: 0

Un matrimonio in provincia [A Marriage in the Province] (Unabridged)

Un matrimonio in provincia [A Marriage in the Province] (Unabridged) audio book by Marchesa Colombi

Rating: 0

Una fra tante [One of Many]

Una fra tante [One of Many] audio book by Emilia Ferretti Viola

Rating: 0

Vae victis (Unabridged)

Vae victis (Unabridged) audio book by Annie Vivanti

Rating: 0

Vangelo secondo Giovanni [The Gospel of John]

Vangelo secondo Giovanni [The Gospel of John] audio book by Gli Ascoltalibri

Rating: 0

Viaggio al centro della terra [Journey to the Center of the Earth] (Unabridged)

Viaggio al centro della terra [Journey to the Center of the Earth] (Unabridged) audio book by Jules Verne

Rating: 0

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