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Pedro Montoya Audio Book Narrator

Como Alcanzar sus Metas [How to Achieve Your Goals]

Como Alcanzar sus Metas [How to Achieve Your Goals] audio book by Mario Elnerz

Rating: 4.67

Como Convencer a los Demas [How to Convince Other People]

Como Convencer a los Demas [How to Convince Other People] audio book by Mario Elnerz

Rating: 3.6

El Apocalipsis de San Juan [The Apocalypse of Saint John] (Texto Completo)

El Apocalipsis de San Juan [The Apocalypse of Saint John]  (Texto Completo) audio book by San Juan

Rating: 4

El Camino del Exito y Como Mejorar la Calidad de Vida [The Road to Success and How to Improve the Quality of Life]

El Camino del Exito y Como Mejorar la Calidad de Vida [The Road to Success and How to Improve the Quality of Life] audio book by Hugo Tapias


El Filo de la Navaja [The Razor's Edge]

El Filo de la Navaja [The Razor's Edge] audio book by W. Somerset Maugham

Rating: 1

El Principe [The Prince]

El Principe [The Prince] audio book by Nicolas Maquiavelo

Rating: 3.75

Escritos y Proclamas [Writings and Speeches]

Escritos y Proclamas [Writings and Speeches] audio book by Simon Bolivar

Rating: 4.6

Inspiracion para el Exito [Inspiration to Success] (Texto Completo)

Inspiracion para el Exito [Inspiration to Success]  (Texto Completo) audio book by Multiple Authors

Rating: 3

La Cartuja de Parma [The Charterhouse of Parma]

La Cartuja de Parma [The Charterhouse of Parma] audio book by Stendhal


La Metamorfosis, Un Artista del Ayuno, Informe a una Academia [The Metamorphosis, A Fasting Artist, A Report to an Academy]

La Metamorfosis, Un Artista del Ayuno, Informe a una Academia [The Metamorphosis, A Fasting Artist, A Report to an Academy] audio book by Franz Kafka

Rating: 4.67

La Via del Samurai (Hagakura) [The Way of the Samurai (Hagakura)]

La Via del Samurai (Hagakura) [The Way of the Samurai (Hagakura)] audio book by Yamamoto

Rating: 4

La Voragine [The Vortex]

La Voragine [The Vortex] audio book by Jose Eustasio Rivera

Rating: 1

Los Salmos del Rey David: Primera Parte [The Psalms of King David: Part 1]

Los Salmos del Rey David: Primera Parte [The Psalms of King David: Part 1] audio book by Yoyo USA, Inc

Rating: 4.67

Los Salmos del Rey David: Segunda Parte [The Psalms of King David: Part 2]

Los Salmos del Rey David: Segunda Parte [The Psalms of King David: Part 2] audio book by Yoyo USA, Inc

Rating: 5

Memorias de Barry Lyndon [The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon]

Memorias de Barry Lyndon [The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon] audio book by William Thackeray


Moby Dick

Moby Dick audio book by Herman Melville

Rating: 2.8

Sin Novedad en el Frente [All Quiet on the Western Front]

Sin Novedad en el Frente [All Quiet on the Western Front] audio book by Erich Maria Remarque


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