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Graciela Lecube Audio Book Narrator

Alicia en el Pais de las Maravillas (Alice in Wonderland)

Alicia en el Pais de las Maravillas (Alice in Wonderland) audio book by Lewis Carroll

Rating: 2.75

Blanca Nieves y Otros Cuentos [Snow White and Other Tales] (Unabridged)

Blanca Nieves y Otros Cuentos [Snow White and Other Tales] (Unabridged) audio book by Grimm et al

Rating: 0

Cervantes: El siglo de oro [Cervantes: The Golden Age] (Unabridged)

Cervantes: El siglo de oro [Cervantes: The Golden Age] (Unabridged) audio book by Frank Rivera

Rating: 0

Cuentos de Hans Christian Andersen (Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen)

Cuentos de Hans Christian Andersen (Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen) audio book by Hans Christian Andersen

Rating: 2.25

Cuentos de Las Mil y Una Noches (Tales from A Thousand and One Nights)

Cuentos de Las Mil y Una Noches (Tales from A Thousand and One Nights) audio book by Coral Communications

Rating: 2.83

Culteranismo y conceptismo: El siglo de oro [Culteranismo and Conceptionismo: The Golden Age] (Unabridged)

Culteranismo y conceptismo: El siglo de oro [Culteranismo and Conceptionismo: The Golden Age] (Unabridged) audio book by Frank Rivera

Rating: 0

Educacion Sexual (Sex Education)

Educacion Sexual (Sex Education) audio book by Fortuna Calvo


El Siglo de Oro: Cervantes

El Siglo de Oro: Cervantes audio book by Frank Rivera

Rating: 4

El Siglo de Oro: Culteranismo y Conceptismo

El Siglo de Oro: Culteranismo y Conceptismo audio book by Frank Rivera


El Siglo de Oro: El Teatro

El Siglo de Oro: El Teatro audio book by Frank Rivera


El Siglo de Oro: La Mistica [The Golden Age: The Mystic] (Unabridged)

El Siglo de Oro: La Mistica [The Golden Age: The Mystic] (Unabridged) audio book by Frank Rivera, Fr. Luis de Granada, Santa Teresa, San Juan de la Cruz

Rating: 0

El Siglo de Oro: La Poesia

El Siglo de Oro: La Poesia audio book by Frank Rivera


El Sistema del Dr. Brea y del Profesor Pluma (The System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether)

El Sistema del Dr. Brea y del Profesor Pluma (The System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether) audio book by Edgar Allan Poe

Rating: 5

El heroe y el poeta [The Hero and the Poet]: Marti y Dario (Unabridged)

El heroe y el poeta [The Hero and the Poet]: Marti y Dario (Unabridged) audio book by Jose Marti, Ruben Dario

Rating: 0

El sistema del Dr. Brea y el Prof. Pluma [The System of Dr. Tarr And Prof. Fether] (Unabridged)

El sistema del Dr. Brea y el Prof. Pluma [The System of Dr. Tarr And Prof. Fether] (Unabridged) audio book by Edgar Allan Poe

Rating: 0

El teatro: El siglo de oro [Theater: The Golden Age]

El teatro: El siglo de oro [Theater: The Golden Age] audio book by Frank Rivera

Rating: 0

Heroes de la Biblia (Bible Heroes)

Heroes de la Biblia (Bible Heroes) audio book by Coral Communications

Rating: 2.75

Jose Marti: Prosa y Poesia (Prose and Poetry)

Jose Marti: Prosa y Poesia (Prose and Poetry) audio book by Jose Marti

Rating: 3.17

La Sombra de un Pajaro (Shadow of a Bird) (Unabridged)

La Sombra de un Pajaro (Shadow of a Bird) (Unabridged) audio book by Rodolfo J. Walsh


La poesia: El siglo de oro [Poetry: The Golden Age]

La poesia: El siglo de oro [Poetry: The Golden Age] audio book by Frank Rivera

Rating: 0

Manual Para El Exito Familiar [Rules for the Success of the Family] (Unabridged)

Manual Para El Exito Familiar [Rules for the Success of the Family] (Unabridged) audio book by Lizi Rodriguez

Rating: 3

Mujeres, Memorias, Malogros [Women, Memories, Failures] (Unabridged)

Mujeres, Memorias, Malogros [Women, Memories, Failures] (Unabridged) audio book by Nora Glickman

Rating: 0

Nuestros Hijos: Como Llevarse Mejor (Parents and Children: A Better Relationship)

Nuestros Hijos: Como Llevarse Mejor (Parents and Children: A Better Relationship) audio book by Fortuna Calvo

Rating: 4

Pasion sin Fronteras [Boundless Passion] (Unabridged)

Pasion sin Fronteras [Boundless Passion] (Unabridged) audio book by Liliana Montesco


Rimas y Leyendas [Rhymes and Legends] (Unabridged)

Rimas y Leyendas [Rhymes and Legends] (Unabridged) audio book by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Rating: 0

Ruben Dario: Verso y Ficcion (Verse and Fiction)

Ruben Dario: Verso y Ficcion (Verse and Fiction) audio book by Ruben Dario

Rating: 4.5

Sabor Latino (Latin Flavor)

Sabor Latino (Latin Flavor) audio book by Fortuna Calvo


Tuck Para Siempre [Tuck Everlasting] (Unabridged)

Tuck Para Siempre [Tuck Everlasting] (Unabridged) audio book by Natalie Babbitt

Rating: 0

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