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Claudio Carini Audio Book Narrator

Canti [Songs]

Canti [Songs] audio book by Giacomo Leopardi

Rating: 0


Decameron audio book by Giovanni Boccaccio

Rating: 0

Divina Commedia [Divine Comedy]: Canti scelti

Divina Commedia [Divine Comedy]: Canti scelti audio book by Dante Alighieri

Rating: 0

Divina Commedia [Divine Comedy]: Integrale (Unabridged)

Divina Commedia [Divine Comedy]: Integrale (Unabridged) audio book by Dante Alighieri

Rating: 0

Elogio della Follia [In Praise of Folly] (Unabridged)

Elogio della Follia [In Praise of Folly] (Unabridged) audio book by Erasmo da Rotterdam

Rating: 0

I Fioretti di San Francesco [The Little Flowers of St. Francis] (Unabridged)

I Fioretti di San Francesco [The Little Flowers of St. Francis] (Unabridged) audio book by San Francesco d'Assisi

Rating: 0

Il Canzoniere [Song Book]

Il Canzoniere [Song Book] audio book by Francesco Petrarca

Rating: 0

Il Principe Felice (The Happy Prince): Il gigante egoista; L'usignolo e la rosa (Unabridged)

Il Principe Felice (The Happy Prince): Il gigante egoista; L'usignolo e la rosa (Unabridged) audio book by Oscar Wilde

Rating: 0

Il Principe [The Prince] (Unabridged)

Il Principe [The Prince] (Unabridged) audio book by Niccolò Machiavelli

Rating: 0

Il fu Mattia Pascal [The Late Mattia Pascal] (Unabridged)

Il fu Mattia Pascal [The Late Mattia Pascal] (Unabridged) audio book by Luigi Pirandello

Rating: 0

Il segreto del bosco vecchio

Il segreto del bosco vecchio audio book by Dino Buzzati

Rating: 0

L'Italia dei Poeti [Poets of Italy]

L'Italia dei Poeti [Poets of Italy] audio book by Dante Alighieri, Ugo Foscolo, Giacomo Leopardi, Alessandro Manzoni, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Giosuè Carducci, Giovanni Pascoli

Rating: 0

L'uomo dal fiore in bocca (The Man with the Flower in His Mouth): La paura del sonno; Due letti a due (Unabridged)

L'uomo dal fiore in bocca (The Man with the Flower in His Mouth): La paura del sonno; Due letti a due (Unabridged) audio book by Luigi Pirandello

Rating: 0

Le avventure di Pinocchio (Unabridged)

Le avventure di Pinocchio (Unabridged) audio book by Carlo Collodi

Rating: 0

Lo strano caso del Dr. Jekyll e Mr. Hyde [The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde] (Unabridged)

Lo strano caso del Dr. Jekyll e Mr. Hyde [The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde] (Unabridged) audio book by Robert Louis Stevenson

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Novelle scelte [Novelle Choices]

Novelle scelte [Novelle Choices] audio book by Giovanni Verga

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Odissea [The Odyssey] (Unabridged)

Odissea [The Odyssey] (Unabridged) audio book by Omero

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Operette Morali [Small Moral Works]

Operette Morali [Small Moral Works] audio book by Giacomo Leopardi

Rating: 0

Orlando Furioso (The Frenzy of Orlando)

Orlando Furioso (The Frenzy of Orlando) audio book by Ludovico Ariosto

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Poesia e Prosa. Brani scelti

Poesia e Prosa. Brani scelti audio book by Ugo Foscolo

Rating: 0

Quaderni di Serafino Gubbio operatore (Notebooks of Serafino Gubbio Operator) (Unabridged)

Quaderni di Serafino Gubbio operatore (Notebooks of Serafino Gubbio Operator) (Unabridged) audio book by Luigi Pirandello

Rating: 0


Racconti audio book by Edgar Allan Poe

Rating: 0

Racconto di Natale (A Christmas Carol)

Racconto di Natale (A Christmas Carol) audio book by Charles Dickens

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Senilità (Unabridged)

Senilità (Unabridged) audio book by Italo Svevo

Rating: 0

Tre croci (Three Crosses) (Unabridged)

Tre croci (Three Crosses) (Unabridged) audio book by Federigo Tozzi

Rating: 0

Uno, nessuno e centomila [One, No One and One Hundred Thousand] (Unabridged)

Uno, nessuno e centomila [One, No One and One Hundred Thousand] (Unabridged) audio book by Luigi Pirandello

Rating: 0

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