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Download Social Sciences Audio Books

The Great Beanie Baby Bubble: Mass Delusion and the Dark Side of Cute (Unabridged)
by Zac Bissonnette

The Great Beanie Baby Bubble: Mass Delusion and the Dark Side of Cute (Unabridged)

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Possible: A Blueprint for Changing How We Change the World (Unabridged)
by Stephan Bauman

Possible: A Blueprint for Changing How We Change the World (Unabridged)

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The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels (Unabridged)
by Alex Epstein

The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels (Unabridged)

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The Journalist and the Murderer (Unabridged)
by Janet Malcolm

The Journalist and the Murderer (Unabridged)

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Rebalancing Society: Radical Renewal Beyond Left, Right, and Center (Unabridged)
by Henry Mintzberg

Rebalancing Society: Radical Renewal Beyond Left, Right, and Center (Unabridged)

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Nonviolent Communication: Create Your Life, Your Relationships, and Your World in Harmony with Your Values
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Nonviolent Communication: Create Your Life, Your Relationships, and Your World in Harmony with Your Values

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Character Building (Unabridged)
by Booker T. Washington

Character Building (Unabridged)

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Violence in the Media: A Deep Look into How Violence Is Portrayed to Our Society Through the Media and the Influence It Has on Society (Unabridged)
by Trevor Clinger

Violence in the Media: A Deep Look into How Violence Is Portrayed to Our Society Through the Media and the Influence It Has on Society (Unabridged)

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The Orbital Perspective: Lessons in Seeing the Big Picture from a Journey of 71 Million Miles (Unabridged)
by Astronaut Ron Garan

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American Reckoning: The Vietnam War and Our National Identity (Unabridged)
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Process: The Writing Lives of Great Authors (Unabridged)
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Process: The Writing Lives of Great Authors (Unabridged)

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