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Download Social Sciences Audio Books

Sex and the City, TV Milestones (Unabridged)
by Deborah Jermyn

Sex and the City, TV Milestones (Unabridged)

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Weary of White People: Short Story Rants (Unabridged)
by AHB

Weary of White People: Short Story Rants (Unabridged)

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Disney U: How Disney University Develops the World's Most Engaged, Loyal, and Customer-Centric Employees (Unabridged)
by Doug Lipp

Disney U: How Disney University Develops the World's Most Engaged, Loyal, and Customer-Centric Employees (Unabridged)

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Social Physics: How Good Ideas Spread - The Lessons from a New Science (Unabridged)
by Alex Pentland

Social Physics: How Good Ideas Spread - The Lessons from a New Science (Unabridged)

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It's Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens (Unabridged)
by danah boyd

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The Triple Package: Why Groups Rise and Fall in America (Unabridged)
Amy Chua
Jed Rubenfeld

The Triple Package: Why Groups Rise and Fall in America (Unabridged)

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Wine Wars: The Curse of the Blue Nun, the Miracle of Two Buck Chuck, and the Revenge of the Terroirists (Unabridged)
by Mike Veseth

Wine Wars: The Curse of the Blue Nun, the Miracle of Two Buck Chuck, and the Revenge of the Terroirists (Unabridged)

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Coupon Crazy: The Science, the Savings, and the Stories Behind America's Extreme Obsession (Unabridged)
by Mary Potter Kenyon

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Closure: The Rush to End Grief and What it Costs Us (Unabridged)
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Promises Kept: Raising Black Boys to Succeed in School and in Life (Unabridged)
Dr. Joe Brewster
Michele Stephenson
Hilary Beard

Promises Kept: Raising Black Boys to Succeed in School and in Life (Unabridged)

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Made to Break: Technology and Obsolescence in America (Unabridged)
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Who Are the Illuminati: The Secret Societies, Symbols, Bloodlines and the New World Order (Unabridged)
by Frank White

Who Are the Illuminati: The Secret Societies, Symbols, Bloodlines and the New World Order (Unabridged)

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