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Download Social Sciences Audio Books

Television, Violence, and Censorship in the World Today: A Detailed Look at How and Why Television Violence Is Affecting Today's Children in a Negative Way (Unabridged)
by Trevor Clinger

Television, Violence, and Censorship in the World Today: A Detailed Look at How and Why Television Violence Is Affecting Today's Children in a Negative Way (Unabridged)

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Fairy Tale as Myth/Myth as Fairy Tale: Clark Lectures (Unabridged)
by Jack Zipes

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There Is Simply too Much to Think About: Collected Nonfiction (Unabridged)
by Saul Bellow

There Is Simply too Much to Think About: Collected Nonfiction (Unabridged)

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Livestock/Deadstock: Working with Farm Animals From Birth to Slaughter (Animals Culture And Society) (Unabridged)
by Rhoda M. Wilkie

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Animal Assisted Therapy: Discover How Animal Assisted Therapy Can Improve Your Life Today (Unabridged)
by Susan Bowman

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The Way Out: Christianity, Politics, and the Future of the African American Community
by Ted Williams III

The Way Out: Christianity, Politics, and the Future of the African American Community

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The Origin and Nature of Folk Music: As Exemplified in the Welsh National Melodies: Theosophical Classics (Unabridged)
by Kenneth Morris

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Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted (Unabridged)
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Victor E Flango
Thomas M Clarke

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Jim Boyd

An Uncommon Vocabulary (Unabridged)

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Single in America (Unabridged)
by J. L. Barkas

Single in America (Unabridged)

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